The UEF Grants Program

UEF has played a critical role in DiscoverE’s ability to provide high-quality resources and programs to the entire engineering community."

Leslie Collins, Former Executive Director, DiscoverE

Grants Program Overview

If it is Good for the Engineering Profession, Good for Collaboration, and Good for the Public, the UEF Grants Program is Good for You.

All funding for the grants comes from endowment earnings. The UEF gives between 5 – 10 grants per year totaling nearly $800,000.

We invite you to explore the sections below to learn more about the UEF Grant Program.


The United Engineering Foundation advances the engineering arts and sciences for the welfare of humanity. It supports engineering and education by, among other means, making grants.


Grants should be consistent with advancing engineering.


The UEF Board of Trustees evaluates and judges proposals in view of the UEF mission, the perceived ability of the proposal and proposer(s) to further that mission, and the available funding. Proposals are accepted only from U.S. based organizations classified by the Internal Revenue Service as having 501(c)(3) status. While all proposals meeting the requirements for

  1. U.S. based organizations having 501(c)(3) status,
  2. established deadlines, and
  3. page limitations

will be considered, certain UEF preferences should be understood by proposers:

  • Broad-based, interdisciplinary proposals that further the engineering profession as a whole are preferred.
  • Multiple-year proposals are welcome, but funding is awarded for a single year only. Proposals for subsequent years follow procedures identical to that of single-year proposals. No commitment for funding of subsequent years of a multiple-year project should be inferred from funding of a prior year.
  • Projects must be performed ONLY between January and December of the specific “Grant Year.”
  • Projects that are outside “business as usual” of the proposing organization are preferred.
  • Technical research proposals and proposals by individuals are seldom accepted.


Proposals are accepted from not-for-profit organizations, individuals, and groups of such entities, once per year. UEF’s 2025 grant process (for 2026 grants) consists of two stages:

  1. Submission of a short 2-page concept paper, by 6:00 p.m. EDT May 1, 2025. Please make sure to complete the attached Concept Paper form with all information when sending your submission. Instructions are included at the top of the form.
  2. For those concept papers selected for an invitation, submission of a detailed proposal, by 6:00 p.m. EDT August 1, 2025.

Concept Paper

The concept paper should be concise but should clearly state, at a minimum: a working title, proposing entity and participating entities, funding requested and budget, period of performance, summary concepts and objectives, and how the proposal fits in the scope requested. Concept papers must be submitted electronically via email.

Email: with any questions or issues.
Concept papers in excess of 2 pages will be automatically rejected.


The proposal should provide more detail, including detailed objectives, detailed schedule, business plan, and reporting. Proposals must be submitted electronically via email,


Reports are required at the end of the project period.


We have created a list of Frequently Asked Questions for your convenience. If you still need assistance, please contact us at

UEF Grants Guidelines

Recently updated guidelines for the UEF Grant Program, downloadable as a PDF document.

2025 UEF Accepted Grants

Grants that have been approved for the 2025 grant cycle.

2024 UEF Accepted Grants

Grants that have been approved for the 2024 grant cycle.

2023 UEF Accepted Grants

Grants that have been approved for the 2023 grant cycle.

2022 UEF Accepted Grants

Grants that have been approved for the 2022 grant cycle.

2021 UEF Approved Grants

Grants that have been approved for the 2021 grant cycle.

2020 UEF Approved Grants

Grants that have been approved for the 2020 grant cycle.

2022 Grant Summaries

Summaries of Grants from 2022 (provided as a .zip file).